Saturday, December 9, 2017

StopTheFakes creates an inspirational learning method without pressure, rules. a new way of learning just by streaming video

learning with video streaming


The problem of artificial products is often a headache for governments and consumers because it is very detrimental to the state and needs a solution to overcome them.However, these artificial products are always tempting for some people to get the benefits doubled in a short time. If you are in business mainly dealing with famous brand items you will make sure the goods you buy are original and not fake

The thing to look out for is a dubious manufacturer. If the counterfeit goods are circulating and the consumer receives the goods quickly damaged then will destroy the manufacturer and your reputation as a supplier of goods will also be affected. As a businessman you certainly know the supply chain of the goods and how to get it. It's just that these business people are always looking for shortcuts with the many temptations of suppliers of these counterfeit goods.

Even more dangerous is the product of medicines and cosmetics are also falsified or there is a replica product. Obviously this is very detrimental to the consumer if the drug consumed does not bring any healing and cosmetic equipment can damage the tubu like face for the wearer. For the case in the homeland also often we hear herbal products are also many are forged.

Then what about the machines? The same is true only if the machine has no immediate harmful effects like drugs and food. If the machine has a copyright or patent design. If a country imitates the design of another country then they will claim the rights to the copyrighted machine. Usually engine design can be imitated but usually will never be exactly the same unless they ask for a license from the origin of the machine maker.It is clear that counterfeit or counterfeit products emerge as a serious threat to the manufacturer's industry. Their reputation could be shattered by the imitation.

StopTheFakes Anti-Counterfeit & Copyright Infringement

StopTheFakes is a Blockchain-based decentralized service aiming to detect counterfeiting and infringement of intellectual property rights, created on the Ethereum smart contract platform. Blockchain technology has been implemented by using the open source license. The project has its own token, which is the only method of payment within its framework.

This is exactly a kind of system that we will create. It will help industries minimize copyright protection and anti-counterfeiting expenditures, followed by growth in sales proceeds and higher profits for right holders.The service aims to track illegally used logos, trademarks and brand names and to detect fake products and other infringements of intellectual property rights. The service is not confined within territorial boundaries and is accessible to users from any country.

Basic principles of the service

When detecting infringement, the Doer sends an Alert to the service via an app in his mobile device by taking photos and/or videos or via his PC by making a screenshot through a browser extension. This information is retained in the Blockchain-based system, stored and transferred immediately to the rights holder. The use of Blockchain and the decentralized data storage guarantee the security of the hashes, hence their inalterability and authenticity. The information received gives the rights holder an opportunity to take action against the Offender. The rights holder will be able to demand that the Offender remedy the violation, by sending a formal written request containing the unique ID (or a permanent link to the service’s webpage), under which this infringement is registered and which the Offender can check on the website. This will reduce the time needed for infringement remedy to several hours.

Doers are remunerated for their search for information about infringements. Furthermore, the service will create a database using Big Data analytics to identify:

  • Geographical zones/areas with most infringements of rights
  • Sources of large-scale counterfeits and marketing channels
  • Intrinsic properties of infringements and their frequency
  • Problem areas in the intellectual property domain abused by offenders
  • What products and brands are most popular among offenders, and many more.

StopThefake Features


An app for popular mobile platforms and a browser extension are being developed for the project.After the service’s main features have become fully functional, the next stage will focus on expanding its possibilities and increasing the number of the available functions. With a huge database constantly growing in real time, we will gather statistics, analyze the information received and carrу out scientific and marketing research.

Hosting and Cloud technologies

operate with Azure, a secure and failure-resistant platform that allows us to scale the project as it grows

The server

The server is configured using ASP.NET CORE, the most user-friendly crossplatform framework on the market. developing own microservice architecture designed to support high loads.

The database

Front End: the official website and web interface for Requestors and Doers

Mobile app

Browser extension

Read about system work and more in whitepaper

Stopthefakes token and ICO

STF is a functional token specifically designed for use on the platform.A total of 29,000,000 tokens is to be issued. Repeated or additional issuances are not planned. A token will be called STFCoin. Rate of exchange: 1 Ethereum = 520 STFCoins.

STFCoin is the only internal method of payment for the service, and Requestors need it to receive Alerts related to infractions of their rights and to obtain additional services, including access to Big Data information analysis. Considering this, we propose the following. STFCoin will be available for purchase both inside the service (via Coinbase) and at a number of stock markets (for instance, Bitfinex, Poloniex, Kraken, etc.). At the same time, the cost of the token inside the service will not differ from that on the stock market.

Tokens will be sold during Pre-ICOs and ICOs. No restrictions will be imposed on purchasing STFCoin. STFCoin tokens will be sold for Ethereum and Bitcoin (ETH, BTC).


Start date: January 21, 2018 (9:00 AM EST Time, UTC -5)

End date: February 21, 2018 (9:00 AM EST Time, UTC -5)

The number of available tokens: 1 305 000

Currency accepted: ETH, BTC

Token exchange rate: 1 ETH = 520 STFcoins

Minimum transaction amount in Ethereum: 0.1 ETH

Minimum transaction amount in Bitcoin: 0.01 BTC


Start date: March 21, 2018 (9:00 AM EST Time, UTC -5)

End date: April 21, 2018 (9:00 AM EST Time, UTC -5)

The number of tokens available: 20 271 000

Minimum cap: 1 671 000

Currency accepted: ETH, BTC

Token exchange rate: 1 ETH = 520 STFcoins

Minimum transaction amount in Ethereum: 0.1 ETH

Minimum transaction amount in Bitcoin: 0.01 BTC



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